If You Have Not Tried An Indian Head Massage – You Should!
One of the many reasons that clients bookan Indian head massage, is for the benefits it gives inalleviating stress and tension. The repetitive movements across the scalp, down the neck and often including the shoulders, and the pressure of the fingers during the treatment at pressure points, provide an ever deeper sense of relaxation. You can feel the stress melting away, and with it, animprovement in your mental wellbeing. The results are that you feel calmer and lighter, as it reduces your feelings of anxiety and depression. At Manchester Massage in the Northern Quarter we have specialist massage therapists trained in Indian Head Massage who offer the experience. Trying out an ancient technique relevant today Traditionally Indian Head massage was practiced in India over thousands of years, the skills and techniques passed on from generation to generation. Originally restricted to the areas of the head and to the hair, it now frequently includes the neck and shoulders. This has ...