Massage Can Be Used To Relieve Stress In Cancer Patients

Massage is one of the oldest therapies around. This ancient method is now sometimes incorporated into cancer treatment in order to relieve anxiety and stress.  There is  myth that having a massage may spread the cancer. The only precaution the trained therapist will take is not to passage directly where the cancer is.  On the contrary it brings comfort and helps combat any sense of despair the patient may have as well as aiding relaxation. there are many complimentary therapies to be incorporated into a cancer treatment, but massage is possibly the most popular as it brings on the feel good factor. It helps relieve a few of the things a cancer patient may be suffering from apart from the main disease namely stress, anxiety, headaches related to the stress and muscle tensions as well as general pain elsewhere which is caused by the illness.

A few Massage techniques can be helpful for cancer patients

The most common type of massage is Swedish massage and it is also appropriate for cancer patients as it uses gentle sweeping hand movements and nothing too vigorous. One thing that Swedish massage usually achieves is to make the patient feel revitalized and energized. This massage technique boosts circulation and generally promotes well being as well as being a useful treatment for pain and stress related ailments. Depending on the side effects of the cancer then other forms of massage prove to be effective too. Shiatsu which is a Japanese technique which promotes physical and emotional calm and relaxation as well as working for stress anxiety and depression will also help in relieving muscle tension. From that description you can easily see how someone suffering from cancer would benefit from this type of treatment. Aromatherapy is a gentler form of massage, using essential oil. Due to the softness of the massage therapy it may be more appropriate for some patients. This type of therapy also has restorative powers, giving a sense of positivity and well being as well as relieving pain and muscle tensions.   


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