Massage To Decrease Symptoms Of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is a common affliction which is caused by the compression of the median nerve, that being one of the primary nerves that controls movement and sensation in the hands. The nerve compression can be caused by a variety of reasons such as build up of fluid in that area of the wrist and a thickening of tissues causing more friction in that region. This can cause pain distress and lack of feeling in the wrist. This condition can be caused due to a variety of reason, injury to the wrist, repetitive stress due to sport or continual use of a keyboard. Diabetes an under active thyroid and rheumatoid arthritis there is quite a few other medical contributory factors as well as it could run in the family. In general massage is a valuable tool for pain relief and some types of massage can target the troublesome area.
Massages that can help relieve the symptoms of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
A sports massage is one of the most effective massages for this complaint. Relief may not necessarily come be just treating the wrist area as the median nerve emerges from under the pectoral muscles in the chest area and could be compressed elsewhere, rather than just near the wrist. An all over body sports massage would help relieve and muscular tensions surrounding the area of concern. Areas of the neck could also be the primary cause of the symptoms in the case of severe symptoms there could be over thirty trigger points in the neck , chest upper back and shoulder with various other points leading all the way down the arm to the wrist. Accordingly Trigger point massage therapy could be very effective in this case and could be incorporated into a wider ranging massage such as a sport massage.
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