When a Deep Tissue Massage is exactly what you Need
When your muscles are letting you know that all is not well, it’s time to listen. Maybe it is the result of the tension that builds up in your back, neck and shoulders because of the work you do, or the longer term results of an old injury such as whiplash, but it’s time to listen to the message from those muscles and soft connective tissues. Time to get a restorative therapeutic massage.
Why might a Deep Tissue Massage be best?
It may require more than a Swedish Massage, rather more in terms of a deep tissue massage where the pressure is stronger and deeper and concentrates on the area which is the cause of your discomfort. In order to alleviate the pain, the practitioner uses a slow pressure which may also involve use of the elbows and forearms as well as the hands, knuckles, fingertips and thumbs. This depth of massage will break down lesions in the muscles, knots which are the root of your pain and inflammation. Clients should remember the old adage which says “no pain, no gain” and this is true when it comes to a remedial deep tissue massage as it may initially cause a little discomfort and soreness the following day. But with the highly trained and talented masseuses here at Manchester Massage you can think positively and see that as a sign of recovery being under way!
Is this Type of Massage Right for Me?
There are many conditions that benefit from a deep tissue massage; sports injuries, sciatica, the after effects of a fall and posture problems to name just a few amongst the many that clients bring to our masseuse for help. Long term conditions such as osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia are known to benefit from improved flexibility in the joints. But it isn’t only the physical response that is an improvement as massage has acknowledged results in lowering blood pressure and the heart rate of the client, also reducing stress hormone levels.
All clients are politely requested to fully complete their Treatment Forms as all deep pressure massage treatments can be unsuitable for some clients if they are suffering from certain medical conditions and of course it is not suitable for pregnant women. For other clients this treatment can be the answer to your chronic pain and restoring a level of mobility.
This Blog is Originally Posted here: https://manchestermassages.wordpress.com/2021/02/23/when-a-deep-tissue-massage-is-exactly-what-you-need/
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